Monday, August 10, 2015

Juvenile Bluebirds at BHCL

I took an hour's walk at Breakneck Hill Conservation Land Sunday morning.  It was overcast and cool, so there weren't any butterflies to enjoy.  The recurring theme of this walk was juvenile Eastern Bluebirds, seen again and again on almost every trail that I took.

Eastern Bluebird juvenile

Northern Mockingbird
Quite possibly "Norm"!

There was a lot of Evening Primrose in bloom throughout the meadows.  I checked each one that was on the path's edge for Primrose Moths, and I finally found one!  Nothing like the numbers my sister and I saw in Acadia National Park, but still a thrill to find!

Evening Primrose

Choosing a yellow flower to "hide" in during the daytime hours seems odd for a pink moth, but if you see the flowers in bud stage (as well as post-bloom stage), you will notice quite a bit of pink coloring, so in the end, I think they are well-camouflaged.

Eastern Bluebird (adult male)


Eastern Bluebird juvenile

As I watched the bumblebees nectaring on the purple loosestrife near the wetlands, this rabbit hopped out onto the path.  It continued to approach me, even though it was uncertain whether I was a danger.  Another walker came up from behind me and scared it off before I could test just how close it would come.

Common Yellowthroat

Red-Bellied Woodpecker juvenile

 Eastern Bluebird juvenile

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