Thursday, February 13, 2014

Snowed In

It started snowing around 7AM.  School was not cancelled, but they did dismiss the kids early.  It really snowed heavily this afternoon and quickly accumulated.  It was supposed to warm up and turn to rain, but that did not happen here.

I enjoyed watching the birds come to my feeders.  They shook their heads when the snow started accumulating on them!

 Tufted Titmouse

Dark-Eyed Junco

Eastern Bluebird (female)

Eastern Bluebird (male)

 American Goldfinch

again, but making music (!)

Tufted Titmouse

American Goldfinch

Dark-Eyed Junco

 Dark-Eyed Junco

Mourning Doves
(not a very good photo through the thick snow, but they really let the snow pile up on their backs)
Click to enlarge.

 Northern Cardinal

Final Accumulation (on top of existing snow)

We actually only had about 9 inches today, but we haven't had a thaw since the last storm, so it's really piling up.  ENOUGH ALREADY!!!!


  1. Wow, it looks lovely! Still no snow here. We are situated between the snow of northern Scotland and the flooding and hurricane force winds in England! Just grey and cold, but shouldn't complain. I think it may be time to start thinking climate change may actually be something to worry about!

    1. Glad you are not impacted by the flooding. It looks terrible! Yes, it seems that climate change is becoming easier and easier for people to accept as the "normal" weather patterns seem more extreme.
