Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Pearl Crescents at Hopkinton State Park

I wasn't able to get outside today until after work.  I headed over to HSP to check on the Killdeer nest.  It was no longer there, and I saw neither adults or young around the lake.  I only went around the perimeter of the lower level lake, so it's possible they could be above, but it is a less likely habitat. I wonder what happened?

Highlights from my walk:

 Widow Skimmer

 Dot-Tailed Whiteface

American Copper

Red Admiral
(nice camouflage)

Pearl Crescents were the most abundant species I saw on this walk.  When I walked down the side of the spillway, there were dozens of them fluttering about.  Even within this number, there was quite a bit of variability in their patterns.

 Pearl Crescent


Golden Hedge-Hissop (native)


Spotted Wintergreen (native)

Indian Pipes (native)

Spotted Sandpiper (juvenile)

Ring-Billed Gulls

It did rain on my parade, but only briefly, and the sky was certainly dramatic immediately after the shower ended!  Beautiful!

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