I believe this is a Long Dash
Black Swallowtail
Hobomok Skipper ??
Indigo Bunting
Common Speedwell
Little Wood Satyr
Dusted Skipper
Wild Geraniums
Northern Cloudywing
I was hanging around the wild geraniums for a while, looking for pollinators, setting up my tripod, etc. The wild turkey was in the meadow behind the geraniums, a bit up the hill. A little later, a White-Tailed Deer walked through that same area. You can tell the property was quieter than normal because of the rainy day, because normally, I would think these types of wildlife would be scared off by the dog walkers.
Wild Turkey
Two Pearl Crescents on wild geranium
(the one on the right was trying to gain the attention of the one on the left)
Tree Swallow
Common Vetch
Garden Bird''s Foot Trefoil
Mouse-Ear Hawkweed
American Copper
(Note blue spots, which are not often found on this species)
Northern Flicker
(Thanks to Lucy M. for pointing out my erroneous ID)
I had just looked at this butterfly and taken this photo when I saw the above butterfly, and I assumed they were the same individual and stopped paying attention! Oops!
American Lady
Spicebush Swallowtail
(way off in the distance, but identifiable)
It was flying around the Sassafrass!
Common Ringlet
There was a couple photographing something on the ground near the new pollinator garden, and the man was trying to move grass stems out of the way for the photo. Surprise, surprise. It was a Snapping Turtle. Who knows from whence it came and which way it was heading, but it seemed a strange place to find one.
Snapping Turtle
Gray Catbird