Monday, September 14, 2015

Cloudy with a Chance of Butterflies

I started the day with an hour's walk at Breakneck Hill Conservation Land.  There were LOTS of birds, but none were terribly cooperative for photos.

Eastern Bluebird (juvenile)
enjoying Pokeweed berries for breakfast

Warbling Vireo

Song Sparrow

Eastern Phoebe

Evening Primrose

For my lunch break, I walked at Barber Reservation and the Sherborn power line.  In spite of it being mostly cloudy, when the sun did shine out through those tiny breaks in the clouds, there were nice butterflies around!

Pearl Crescent
(30 or more of these)

Silver-Bordered Fritillary
(kept this one because it showcased the spotted eye)

again, posing beautifully on fleabane

Nodding Ladies Tresses (native)

Orange Sulphur

Pearl Crescent

Eastern Tailed-Blue (one of six seen)

another Pearl Crescent

Eastern Tailed-Blue

American Copper


  1. Glad you saw some butterflies. Things are quietening down here and the weather this week is horrible. No chance of seeing anything. I actually found about 40 butterflies hibernating last week!

    1. I hate to see the season wind down! Where did you find butterflies hibernating?
