Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Butterflies at Breakneck Hill Conservation Land

I took my lunchtime hike at Breakneck Hill today.  It was hot and humid again....I know....I sound like a broken record.  But really, it is challenging to get out and move in this heat.  The butterflies were active, and I was amazed at all the butterflies on the clover right on the trails:  Pearl Crescents, Eastern Tailed Blues and Gray Hairstreaks.  They floated away from my feet all along the way!  One of the reasons I keep coming back here is how many butterflies there are to see the whole time I'm hiking!  Fun!

Hummingbird Moth on Wild Bergamot (wild bee balm)

Pearl Crescent on Fleabane

Queen Anne's Lace
at its peak!

Horace's Duskywing on clover

Crossline Skipper

Queen Anne's Lace

Common Wood Nymph

Common Thistle

Pearl Crescent on clover

Pearl Crescents, pre-mating dance

Eastern-Tailed Blue on clover

Deptford Pink (I think?)

Eastern-Tailed Blue and Gray Hairstreak, both in the path

 Gray Hairstreak

Black Swallowtail

Garden Phlox growing in the meadow

 Jewelweed (in woods near parking lot)

(This "weed" attracts hummingbirds and the juice in the stem can be used to treat/prevent poison ivy, so although it may not be beautiful, it is useful!)

Hummingbird Moth in parking lot wild bee balm

Northern Broken Dash

Also seen:
Chimney Swifts (at least 2)
American Goldfinch
Red-Tailed Hawk
Mourning Dove
Song Sparrow

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